Welcome to the Practica Program Blog

This is a platform designed to share the relevant and empowering information on Inspired Parenting gathered since

the creation of the Practica Program in 1993. Please join us to learn and grow together!

*We post often, so come back and visit soon!*

Download FREE printables and activities!

Your Free Guide to Potty Training

ERIC is an insightful and enlightening website with a range of information on potty training and bed wetting - A excellent source ALSO FOR SCHOOL- AGE CHILDREN. 

"Potty training is an important milestone for your child. Learning to gain control of bowel and bladder movements can be a complicated process and your child needs to be emotionally and physically ready to potty train. Your child will learn to be able to understand, and know how to react and respond to the feeling that they need to empty their bladder or bowel. Children learn so much through observing and copying, and potty training is no different. This guide provides tips on how to make potty training as smooth as possible for you and your child."

Click here to download a FREE PDF

Free Pre-Reading Activity Printable

FREE printable pre-reading activity that helps to prepare children for learning sight words when they are older.

Cut out the fish and the fish bowls and then ask your child to find the matching fish bowls. For younger children, matching the “shape fish” to their bowls teaches the concepts of “same” or “different”.  Then slowly but surely add one word after the other, starting with the shorter ones, until your child eventually matches all 12 fish to their bowls.

Remember to read the words out loud to your child as he handles them and use them in sentences to emphasize that the symbols printed on the fish actually represent words that we use every day.

Oh! The magic of being able to read! 

Click to download both Afrikaans and English PDF Printable

Free Anti-Bullying Printable Toolkit

              Click here to download your Anti-Bullying Toolkit

                             How to Raise a Genius

You may be thinking, “The title of this info-graphic may lead parents to parent wisely for the wrong reasons” and we say, yes, there is naturally more to parenting than raising a genius. What about raising a happy,caring and morally grounded individual? 

Fact is, we at the Practica Program have witnessed time and time again that parents, who may initially be motivated to tap into research so that they can build their children’s brain power, soon discover that actually DOING the things that researchers have found to be beneficial for building brains, like spending one-on-one time with their children, don’t only build brains; these things build souls and hearts too. 

Have a look at the tips listed here, and whatever your initial reasons for doing so, take the plunge and turn off the TV. Talk to your kids. Watch what they eat. Get them moving and praise them in healthy ways. (If you missed the post about healthy praise go here) Everybody wins.

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